New Articles

  1. How do I delete a Vid, or Store Item?

    A step by step guide for Creators to delete different types of content from their ManyVids profile, including vids pics and store items.
  2. [Member] I was blocked by a Creator, what do I do?

    What to do when you're blocked by a Creator.
  3. How do I sell a Photo Set?

    Describes how to offer Photo Sets as a Store item on your ManyVids profile, including how Members access the Photo Set upon purchase.
  4. What are the "Forbidden Words" on MV?

    Make sure you aren't using any words forbidden on MV by checking here!
  5. What are the Content Rules and Guidelines on MV?

    Make sure your vid is compliant by checking out our Upload Rules.
  6. I forgot my Username and/or Password

    Forgot your login details? Here's how to retrieve them and get back on MV!
  7. I forgot my Username and/or Password.

    Forgot your login details? Here's how to retrieve them and get back on MV!
  8. What are the payout percentages on MV?

    Payout Percentages on MV!
  9. How do I reactivate my deleted member account?

    We would love you have you back!
  10. [Member] How do I reactivate my deleted Member account?

    We would love you have you back!

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