What is my MV Score and how do I increase it?

Your MV Score is a breakdown of the points you earn as an MV Girl, MV Boy, MV Trans and MV Producer.  You'll be able to view your score in your settings!

  • Click the drop down menu
  • Settings
  • "View" next to MV Score: 

Your MV Score determines your placement in an account category on the Creators page. For example, if an account is ranked as MV Girl #1, this means that the account had the highest MV Score, and they would be featured at the top of the MV Girls category page.  

What are the benefits of having a high MV Score? Your profile has a better chance of exposure which could drive sales and increase traffic to your page. The MV Score is also an element taken into consideration for our search algorithms, so it plays a role in vid search results - another sales booster! 

How do I start earning points for my MV Score? When you first sign-up to MV you can gain base points just by completing certain sections of your profile and these points will always be on your profile!

To earn base points, you’ll need to do the following: 

Anything else that increases your score accounts for the last 45 days of activity, so it's important to stay active! Anything before those 45 days will fall off of your MV Score, this gives everyone a chance to reach for the top! 
Here's a list of things that can increase your score: 

  • Earning tokens on MV Live (Please note: tokens must first be converted to earnings to increase your score)
  • Maintaining a steady upload of vids and store items 
  • Members liking your vids
  • Sales of your vids, services, & items 
  • Getting reviews from members 

Keep up the hard work, stay consistent and you'll start increasing that score in no time! 

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