Popular Articles

  1. How to do I download my vid

    So, you just purchased a vid and you want to download it onto your device! Depending on which device you are using the process may be slightly different, so locate your device below and follow the corresponding steps. Please note, if the vid is set ...
  2. How do I change my password?

    How to update your MV password!
  3. How do I change/edit the email attached to my account?

    Need to change your email on your MV Account? Here's how!
  4. How do I earn a badge?

    Learn all about our ManyVids badges here!
  5. Live Mobile Tips and Tricks!

    Welcome to the Live Mobile Survival Guide. We're sharing a few tips to help you make the most out of this feature.
  6. Why do I get "This MV Profile has been blocked for your region" when trying to visit a Creator's profile?

    What to do when an MV Profile is blocked in your region.
  7. General Rules for Live!

    Rules to read before going live.
  8. How do I download my own vids from MV?

    Describes how to download your own vids directly from your ManyVids profile to retrieve content previously uploaded to MV.
  9. My vid stream is black but the audio is working

    How to fix the dread "Black Screen" issue for your stream!
  10. How do I report a Vid, Private message, Post or MV Profile?

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