Updated Articles

  1. Vids

  2. How do I delete a Vid, or Store Item?

    A step by step guide for Creators to delete different types of content from their ManyVids profile, including vids pics and store items.
  3. Promotion

  4. Why aren't my X auto-posts sending?

    If your auto-posts aren't sending, check here for potential solutions!
  5. Store Items

  6. How do I add a Store Item?

    A step by step walkthrough illustrating how to add Store Items to your ManyVids profile, including a link to the MVU video on optimizing Store items.
  7. Purchases

  8. What payment options are available to buy content on MV?

    How to make purchases on MV.
  9. External links on MV

    Guidance around posting external links on MV.
  10. Services

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