Updated Articles

  1. [Member] Vid Streaming Troubleshooting Tips

    Having difficulties streaming? We have tips to help you!
  2. Edit Vids Page - Co-performer Declaration

    Describes step by step how to declare co-performers featured in your vids uploaded to ManyVids, including how to provide required documentation.
  3. How do I hide my followers?

    Hide who can see your followers and who you are following!
  4. How do I monitor my profile's sales for trends or changes?

    Steps to find analytics on your account!
  5. How do I generate a vid teaser or upload a custom vid teaser?

    How to add a custom teaser or use an auto-generated teaser from your uploaded vid content during the vid publishing flow on ManyVids.
  6. How do I create a vid thumbnail?

    How to set a thumbnail image for your vid upload from an image selected from the vid content or using a custom image on ManyVids.
  7. How do I make my vids stream only?

    How to set your vids to Stream-Only on your ManyVids profile to prevent purchasers from downloading your vid content.
  8. [Member] How to identify 4K vids!

    Find out how to determine if a vid is 4K prior to purchasing!
  9. Watermark acceptance criteria

    Guidelines for using watermarks on MV.
  10. How does verification work?

    Want to know how to get verified as a Creator?

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